ESTRO 2020 – Virtual
28 October – 1 December 2020
Vienna, Austria

“The development of a fully adaptive, AI-powered treatment planning software is urgently needed. We are proud to be introducing our new era of MR-based proudcts that will pave the way towards this vision of radiation therapy on the fly for more efficient, safe and precise treatment for cancer patients.
CEO & CTO at TheraPanaceaProfessor of Mathematics – University of Paris-Saclay
Editor in Chief, Computer Vision at Elsevier
ART-Plan™ keeps improving
Discover our new AI features that will leverage the benefits of MRI for better treatment planning

What do KOLs think of ART-Plan™?
“ART-Plan™ has experienced a very high level of acceptance in the different teams of our department in the University Hospital for Radiation Oncology Tübingen, Germany, as it saves a lot of valuable time that can be used for complex treatment planning tasks and interdisciplinary discussions.
TheraPanacea on the frontier:
Explore our scientific oral and poster presentations at ESTRO 2020.
Deep learning auto contouring of OAR for HN radiotherapy: a blinded evaluation by clinical experts
Vincent Grégoire, Pierre Blanchard, Albina Allajbej, Claire Petit, Nicolas Milhade, France Nguyen, Sofia Bakkar, Geoffroy Boulle, Edouard Romano, Wael Zrafi, Aurélien Lombard, Eugénie Ullmann, Nikos Paragios, Eric Deutsch, Charlotte Robert
Optimizing the generation of brain pseudo-CT from MRI based on a highly efficient 3D neural network
Emilie Alvarez Andres, Lucas Fidon, Maria Vakalopoulou, Marvin Lerousseau, Alexandre Carré, Roger Sun, Anne Beaudre, Eric Deutsch, Nikos Paragios, Charlotte Robert.
AI-driven quality insurance for delineation in radiotherapy breast clinical trials
S. Rivera, A. Lombard, D. Pasquier, S. Wong , E. Limkin, G. Auzac, J. Blanchecotte, M.E. Chand-Fouché, A. Lamrani-Ghaouti, N. Bonnet, N. Paragios, C. Martineau-Huynh, E. Ullmann, A. Ruffier, E. Deutsch.
Full-body delineation of ROIs through anatomy-preserving deep learning ensemble networks
A. Lombard, L. de Vitry, E. Ullmann, R. Marini-Silva, N. Bus, N. Paragios.
Assessment of the generalizability to pediatric protontherapy of a 3D network generating pseudo-CT
Emilie Alvarez Andres, Maélie Caussé, Lucas Fidon, Louis Ermeneux, Stéphanie Bolle, Valentine Martin, Nikos Paragios, Eric Deutsch, Ludovic de Marzi, Charlotte Robert
Are current margins in locally advanced cervical cancers treated by tomotherrapy appropriate?
S. Rivera (CR), A. Lombard, D. Pasquier, S. Wong, A. Lamrani-Ghaouti, N. Bonnet, N. Paragios, C. Martineau-Huynh, A. Ruffier.
S. Rivera (CR), A. Lombard, D. Pasquier, S. Wong, A. Lamrani-Ghaouti, N. Bonnet, N. Paragios, C. Martineau-Huynh, A. Ruffier.